The objective of the game is to create an independent nation. Released under the GNU General Public License, FreeCol is free and open source software, running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Requirements: All platforms: Java Virtual Machine version 11 or above. Last Update: 14 hours ago Download Summary Files Reviews Support News Discussion Tickets Mailing Lists Code SVN Wiki FreeCol is a turn-based strategy game based on the old game Colonization, and similar to Civilization. However, Freecol has a new set of redesigned graphics and with time, it also incorporated ideas that didn't make the final version of Colonization, as well as requests by fans and original concepts like new European players and race bonuses.

Mods that change or add behavior of buildings or inside colonies Allows the ability to load wagons onto Galleons.3 Get Updates Share This Problems Downloading freecol-1.0.0. Brought to you by: burschik, mpope, pruano, stiangre Your download will start shortly.

Improves the exploration abilities of seasoned scouts. Download freecol-1.0.0.zip (FreeCol) Home Games FreeCol FreeCol Colonize the New World.Enables free colonists to gain experience and become experts when working in buildings.We can also create a github release with your mod package on request. FreeCol 0.13.0 free download - Software reviews, downloads, news, free trials, freeware and full commercial software - Downloadcrew Home > Games > FreeCol 0.13.0 FreeCol 0.13.0 Colonize and control the New World with this impressive strategy game Linux 37.

To contribute a mod, submit a pull-request with your mod and description added, along with a link to the download. FreeCol is a turn-based strategy game based on the old game Colonization, and similar to Civilization.